Thursday, November 7, 2013

The things I never knew...before I became a mom

I never knew the things I disliked most about myself would be reflected right back at me through my humbling an experience that has been.

I never knew how much my child's giggles could quickly become one of my most favorite sounds on the planet!

I never knew an "I love you mom mom" could erase the weariest of days from my mind.

I never knew I could long for bedtime all day long...and then miss them the minute I laid them down.

I never knew how concerned I would be with the color, consistency, and occurrence of someone else's poop.

I never knew I could feel like I had everything and nothing  figured out all at the same time.

I never knew I would gain super human powers...super duper human hearing powers!

I never knew that my feelings would be enhanced to such great proportions.  That I would share every emotion of  fear, joy,  sadness, and excitement my child has and that it would be magnified beyond what I ever thought possible.

I never knew there would be such a community of women (all of you other moms) routing each other on...this brings on a whole new meaning to the phrase "it takes a village"

I never knew that, while I fully expected to teach my child things, that I would REALLY be the one who was learning.

I never knew that it all would come full circle and I would finally "get" just how MUCH my own mother loves me...what do you know she was right, AGAIN :-)

I would LOVE to hear about what you 'never knew' before you came a mom! Ready...GO!

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